Development informations

How it UPS status found ?

The plugin just use the NUT server functions.

xPL messages

No xPL message handle, use only 0MQ

NUT driver compatibility

Plugin need driver device class for working with specific UPS.

Existing drivers device.

  • Basic:

    Must work with any NUT driver but handle only status and events onmains, onbattery, batterylow, comm_ok and comm_lost If NUT server return battery.charge driver can handle it.

  • Blazer_USB:

    Handle all basic and if available by NUT server:

    battery.charge calculat, input-output voltage status , input frequence status, output current status and temperature status

Add developement NUT driver compatibility

Plugin offer simple way to add new driver device.

File lib/ contains a DeciveBase python class who handle basic methodes. You create a new class inherit this base class and overwriting some methodes to get NUT driver compatibility. You just have to add new driver device class reference in createDevice methode.

def createDevice(data):
    """ Create a device depending of '' given by data dict.
        - Developer : add your python class derived from DeviceBase class."""
    if data.has_key('') :
        if data[''] == 'blazer_usb' : return Blazer_USB(data)
          # Just add next line
        elif data[''] == 'My_new_driver' : return My_New_Device(data)
        else : return DeviceBase(data)
    else : return DeviceBase(data)

Have a look to Network UPS Tools and get details informations on Driver section of User manual pages

Getting UPS variables available

  • Use clients commands upsc of Network UPS Tools to get all variables available :

    Example :

    $ /bin/upsc MyUPS@localhost
    battery.voltage.nominal: 12.0
    battery.voltage: 13.60
    beeper.status: enabled
    device.type: ups
    driver.version.internal: 0.04 blazer_usb
    driver.version: 2.6.3
    driver.parameter.pollinterval: 2
    driver.parameter.port: /dev/upsZ3
    driver.parameter.productid: 5161
    driver.parameter.vendorid: 0665
    input.voltage.nominal: 230
    input.voltage.fault: 240.2
    input.voltage: 240.2
    input.current.nominal: 2.0
    input.frequency.nominal: 50
    input.frequency: 49.9
    output.voltage: 240.2
    ups.type: offline
    ups.vendorid: 0665
    ups.delay.shutdown: 30
    ups.productid: 5161
    ups.delay.start: 180
    ups.status: OL
  • Or using plugin tools lib/ :

    Simple set your own parameters on __main__ section of lib/ file.

    if __name__ == "__main__":
          # Set  upsaddr,  upsport and upsname depending on your config
        upsaddr = <UPS server IP >
        upsport = <UPS server port (generaly= 3493)>
        upsname = <UPS name>

    Run python file ``lib/` and you get appropriate informations.

    $ python
     +++ Internal NUTSocketClient created +++
    Client connected to Z3_SERVER
    *** getNUTVersion
    {'cmd': 'VER', 'data': '2.6.3', 'error': ''}
    *** getNUTNetworkVersion
    {'cmd': 'NETVER', 'error': 'NUT version to old (2.6.3), NETVER function not handle, Update NUT lib >= 2.6.4'}
    *** getNUTHelp
    *** getUPSList
    {'cmd': 'LIST UPS', 'data': {'Z3_SERVER': 'Server Linux Internet'}, 'error': ''}
    *** getUPSVars
    {'cmd': 'LIST VAR',
        'data': {
            'input.voltage.nominal': '230', 'beeper.status': 'enabled', 'input.voltage.fault': '238.4', 'device.type': 'ups',
            'driver.version.internal': '0.04', 'input.voltage': '238.4', 'ups.type': 'offline', 'input.current.nominal': '2.0',
            'ups.vendorid': '0665', '': 'blazer_usb', 'ups.delay.shutdown': '30', 'output.voltage': '238.4',
            'ups.productid': '5161', 'ups.delay.start': '180', 'driver.version': '2.6.3', 'input.frequency.nominal': '50',
            'battery.voltage.nominal': '12.0', 'driver.parameter.pollinterval': '2', 'driver.parameter.port': '/dev/upsZ3',
            'battery.voltage': '13.60', 'driver.parameter.productid': '5161', 'ups.status': 'OL', 'input.frequency': '49.9',
            'driver.parameter.vendorid': '0665'
     'ups': 'Z3_SERVER', 'error': ''}
    *** getUPSRWVars
    {'cmd': 'LIST RW', 'data': {}, 'ups': 'Z3_SERVER', 'error': ''}
    *** getUPSCommands
    {'cmd': 'LIST CMD',
        'data': [
            'beeper.toggle', '', 'load.on', 'shutdown.return', 'shutdown.stayoff', 'shutdown.stop',
            'test.battery.start', 'test.battery.start.deep', 'test.battery.start.quick', 'test.battery.stop'
     'ups': 'Z3_SERVER', 'error': ''}
    *** getUPSListClients
    {'cmd': 'LIST CLIENT', 'error': 'NUT version to old (2.6.3), LIST CLIENT function not handle, Update NUT lib >= 2.6.4'}
    *** getUPSVar
    {'var': 'ups.status', 'cmd': 'GET VAR', 'ups': 'Z3_SERVER', 'value': 'OL', 'error': ''}
    *** getUPSNumLogin
    {'cmd': 'NUMLOGINS', 'data': '2', 'error': ''}
     --- Internal NUTSocketClient deleted ---

Creating new Driver device class

  • File lib/ contains a DeviceBase python class who handle basic methodes. You create a new class inherit this base class and overwriting some methodes to get acces of this new service or hardware.

You can insert your new class in the file or create a new with import DeviceBase :

class My_New_Device(DeviceBase):  # simply new class declaration
    def checkInputVoltage(self):  # overwrite methodes class

Data format who must be return by methods

By calling source class method self.checkStatus() you get DATA_TYPE_RETURN value. DATA_TYPE_RETURN is a dict type with keys.

    'Modify' : True/False, # if the value change you must set to True.
    'sensorsData' : {  # Here all value who must transmit to domogik.
        'status' : <'mains' or 'battery', or 'unknown'>
        'event' : <All event define in UPS_Events>
Use self.handleUPS_Events to set UPS_Events status at True/False.
This method :
  • Return a tuple with a boolean and a string for event key of DATA_TYPE_RETURN.

  • Manage an UPS_Event retention for some UPS Events values.

  • Ret others depending UPS_Events status of new event, Ex:

    if input_voltage_low’ set to True

    ‘input_voltage_high’ must set to False

    ‘input_voltage_ok’ must set to False

How to use it :

retval = self.checkStatus()
retVal['modify'], retVal['sensorsData']['event'] = self.handleUPS_Events(< an UPS_Events>, True/False)

Dependency UPS_Events status

UPS_Events are groups in dependencies status, if an item change others items must change. Developer has no need to handle dependencies, self.handleUPS_Events method handle them. It’s just for information.

  • On line status:

    ‘onmains’ => The UPS has begun operating on mains power

    ‘onbattery’ => The UPS has begun operating on battery power

  • Battery status:

    ‘battlow’ => The UPS battery is low

    ‘battfull’ => The UPS battery is fully charged

  • Battery test status:

    ‘bti’ => Battery test initiated

    ‘btp’ => Battery Test Passed

    ‘btf’ => Battery Test Failed

  • UPS server communucation status:

    ‘comms_lost’ => The host has lost communication with the UPS

    ‘comms_ok’ => Communication with the UPS has been restored

  • Input frequency status:

    ‘input_freq_error’ => The input frequency is out of range

    ‘input_freq_ok’ => The input frequency has returned from an error condition

  • Input voltage status:

    ‘input_voltage_high’ => The input voltage is too high

    ‘input_voltage_low’ => The input voltage is too low

    ‘input_voltage_ok’ => The input voltage is OK following a previously “too low” or “too high” state

  • Output voltage status:

    ‘output_voltage_high’ => The UPS output voltage is too high

    ‘output_voltage_low’ => THe UPS output voltage is too low

    ‘output_voltage_ok’ => The UPS output voltage has returned to normal following a “too high” or “too low” condition.

  • Output status:

    ‘output_overload’ => The UPS output is in overload

    ‘output_ok’ => The UPS output has returned from overload

  • Temperature status:

    ‘temp_high’ => The UPS temperature is too high

    ‘temp_ok’ => The UPS temperature has returned from an over-temperature condition

Overwrited methods

  • getBatteryCharge:

    You can overwrite this method but it is essential to call source method at first, Because if NUT server has is own level it’s probably the better.

    Overwriting structure:

    def getBatteryCharge(self):
        charge = DeviceBase.getBatteryCharge(self)
        if charge: return charge
          #.... Your new code in case of none 'battery.charge' handle by NUT server ....
        return charge # type float
  • checkAll:

    Check All UPS stuff and return they values in DATA_TYPE_RETURN list.

    This method work with DeviceBase class, overwrite it only if new check method is necessary.

    You can overwrite this method but it is essential to call source method at first.

    Overwriting structure:

    def checkAll(self):
        data = DeviceBase.checkAll(self)
        data = data.append(self.Your_New_Check())
        return data
  • checkInputVoltage:

    Source method do nothing and return None. You must overwrite it with status calculate to return event input_voltage_low, input_voltage_high, input_voltage_ok in format DATA_TYPE_RETURN

    Overwriting example:

    def checkInputVoltage(self):
          # Check if key exist in UPS vars
        if self._vars.has_key('input.voltage.nominal') :
              # Calculat range voltage status
            high = self._vars['input.voltage.nominal'] * 1.06
            low = self._vars['input.voltage.nominal'] * 0.94
        else : # Return None to report not handling UPS event
            return None
          # Check if key exist in UPS vars
        if self._vars.has_key('input.voltage') :
              # Get UPS status in DATA_TYPE_RETURN format
            retVal = self.checkStatus()
              # Test voltage status
            if self._vars['input.voltage'] >= high :
                  # Set 'Modify' and UPS_Events DATA_TYPE_RETURN format
                retVal['modify'], retVal['sensorsData']['event'] = self.handleUPS_Events('input_voltage_high',  True)
            elif self._vars['input.voltage'] <= low :
                    # Set 'Modify' and UPS_Events DATA_TYPE_RETURN format
                retVal['modify'], retVal['sensorsData']['event'] = self.handleUPS_Events('input_voltage_low',  True)
            else :
                    # Set 'Modify' and UPS_Events DATA_TYPE_RETURN format
                retVal['modify'], retVal['sensorsData']['event'] = self.handleUPS_Events('input_voltage_ok',  True)
            return retVal # Return DATA_TYPE_RETURN format
        return None # Return None to report not handling UPS event
  • checkInputFreq:

    Source method do nothing and return None. You must overwrite it with status calculate to return event input_freq_error, input_freq_ok in format DATA_TYPE_RETURN

    Overwriting structure : same principle than checkInputVoltage

  • checkOutputVoltage:

    Source method do nothing and return None. You must overwrite it with status calculate to return event ouput_voltage_low, output_voltage_high, output_voltage_ok in format DATA_TYPE_RETURN

    Overwriting structure : same principle than checkInputVoltage

  • checkOutput:

    Source method do nothing and return None. You must overwrite it with status calculate to return event output_overload, output_ok in format DATA_TYPE_RETURN

    Overwriting structure : same principle than checkInputVoltage

  • checkTemperature:

    Source method do nothing and return None. You must overwrite it with status calculate to return event temp_high, temp_ok in format DATA_TYPE_RETURN

    Overwriting structure : same principle than checkInputVoltage